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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Set Goals Around Four Key Areas In Your Life

A: Reducing Stress and Overwhelm
Stress is a leading contributor to illness and disease in the body, mind and soul. And an unchecked to-do list does not go rent free in your head. I want you to step back and inventory your life right now. Where are the biggest areas of stress and overwhelm? How can you reduce them immediately? Do you need help around the house, running errands, to make that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off?
B: Health
Your health is your greatest asset. If you don’t have it, you can’t think as clearly and you have a lower quality of life. Let’s get your body functioning at its optimal level! What changes do you need to make right now to make yourself feel better and live healthier?
C: Strengthening Your Finances
No matter where you are on the path to prosperity, it’s your birthright to live an abundant life. Do you need to save money? Get out of debt or start a debt repayment plan? Is it time to invest? Change careers into something more lucrative? Find higher paying clients? Let’s get your money in order and set some solid goal.
D: Create More Loving Relationships
We cherish our most loving relationships. They give us food for the soul and provide us with inspiration and support through all of life’s seasons. Which are your most loving relationships? How can you create more of those? What changes do you need to make to become more loving?

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